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Dipping vs Acrylic Nails

Dipping vs Acrylic Nails

While you walk-in a nail salon, or wanna make a purchase, did you ever consider between Dipping vs acrylic nails, which is better? Although Dipping powder and acrylic nails are almost identical in appearance, I quickly noticed that they have a lot of differences. Their cost, staying power,…

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Tenteu powder

Tenteu powder

Can you tell me more about your acrylic powder? Our acrylic powder 3in1 powder, it is suitable to use as acrylic, dipping and sculpture for nail art. If you use as acrylic, then need to use together with monomer. Our acrylic powder is suitable to…

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Privacy Policy

Our company is fully aware of the importance of personal information to you, and our company will do our best to protect your personal information safe and reliable. This privacy protection policy describes how we will collect and use your personal information and help you…

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Reflective gel polish

Reflective gel polish

Tenteugelnailmaintosupplyyouwiththemostnewtrendproductsfornails!Introducingourdiamondcollection:Reflectivegelpolishwith25differentcolors,everyshadeis inspecialformulatomakesuretheyareshinnycompletely.Exceptnormalreflectivegel,wealsolaunchedReflectivegelinneoncolors,whichcanlightup yoursummerholidaywithmorejoyful.TenteuasoneofthewholesalenailproductsmanufacturerinChina,wealwaysconsiderhigh quality,suchaspigment,flexible,consistency,andlastingashighattention,weonlyproducevegan,13-free,crueltyfreegelpolishtoourclients,nochip,noliftingissueatall.Chooseustobeyoursupplierofgelpolish,Ibelievewewillbringustogetherwithmutual benefit.Weareabletomakeyourownbrandofgelpolish,withODMservice(wehelptocreateyourlogoimage)andOEMservic (youprovideusyourlogofile).It’snotdifficulttomakeyourowngelbrand,weareheretohelpyou.Withfullrangeofgelpolishlineandalwaysputnewtrendproducts,keepyouaheadofthis industry.

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How to start your own gel polish line?

How to start your own gel polish line?

In the past couple of years, beauty salons have been among the fastest growing businesses all around the world. In particular, the nail industry is booming, as clients look for unique manicures & pedicure they can show off, as well as treat themselves better and happier in their busy week. But for the nail technician and salon, it is really hard to find the best nail care products for customers. Some customers also complaint to us- nail gel factory, that some of their clients walk into the salon with bad quality cheap nail gel polish, which is easy to chip, not long lasting.  As I have already find the Great Quality professional nail gel supplier. Why not I bulk buy gel nail polish with my own private label. Then supply to them. They Happy, I happy. And here are some tips of How to make your own gel nail polish? Setting up a business plan (When will you launch, what products for startup, Your financial plan, and how it will make money) Prepare your business brand logo Set up your social media business account Find and test different nail polish factory. Decide up which one be your gel nail polish professional vendor Making a marketing plan (Decide on who your ideal client and target audience are, then get thinking about ways to reach them) Looking for more professional nail supplies to start up your own nail business? Please contact Tenteu Nail factory for more information and professional suggestions.

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